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How To Say Nursing School In Spanish

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How To Say Nursing School In Spanish

The starting point to become a nurse is going to a nursing school, called escuela de Enfermería in Spanish.

At nursing school, students learn all sorts of things starting with terminology and phrases they will encounter in their profession. The focus by lecturers in nursing colleges is on phrases and terminology relating to anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment. It is essential to learn and understand them for communication with other medical professionals.

Meaning Of Common Phrases Taught At Nursing School In Spanish

Ethics: Standard behavior during practice. It differentiates right and wrong.

Ética: Comportamiento estándar durante la práctica. Distingue lo correcto y lo incorrecto.

Acute: Sudden and Sharp- Agudo: repentino y agudo

Ambulatory: Able to walk- Ambulatorio: Capaz de caminar

Artery: A large blood vessel for carrying the blood from the heart to other tissues. Arteria: Unvasosanguíneogrande para llevar la sangre del corazón a otrostejidos

Cognition: Ability to reason, think, make and remember decisions. Cognición: Habilidad para razonar, pensar, hacer y recordar decisiones

Constipation: Difficult and infrequent bowel evacuation Estreñimiento: Evacuación intestinal difícil e infrecuente

Cerebral vascular accident (C.V.A) or stroke Accidentecerebro-vascular

Cyanosis: Slight skin discoloration due to shortage or lack of oxygen Cianosis: ligeradecoloración de la pieldebido a escasez o falta de oxígeno

Decubitus ulcer: Worn, ulcerated area on the skin. It is also known as a pressure sore. Úlcera de decúbito: Área gastada y ulcerada en la piel. También se conoce como dolor de presión.

Degenerate: deteriorate or breakdown. Degenerar: deteriorarse o descomponerse

Dementia: progressive declining of the mental function Demencia: disminución progresiva de la función mental

Dysphagia: Swallowing difficulty. Disfagia: dificultad para tragar

Geriatrics: Study of the elderly. Geriatría: estudio de los ancianos

Bladder: A membranous sac with space where urine collects for excretion Vejiga: Unsacomembranoso con espaciodonde la orina se acumula para la excreción

Bowel: Section of alimentary canal below the stomach. Intestino: Seccióndeltubodigestivodebajo del estómago.

Bowel movement: discharge of feces during defecation. Movimiento intestinal: descarga de heces durante la defecación

Involuntary: Uncontrollable. Involuntario: Incontrolable

Incontinent: Involuntary of evacuation of bladder or bowel. Incontinencia: Involuntario de la evacuación de la vejiga o el intestine.

Pathogen: Germ, disease-causing micro-organism. Patógeno: germen, microorganismo causante de enfermedades

Symptom: A feature or manifestation that could indicate the existence of the disease. It is the patient who feels it. For example, back pain Síntoma: Unacaracterística o manifestaciónquepodríaindicar la existencia de la enfermedad. Es el pacientequien lo siente.ejemplo, dolor de espalda

Precautions: Practices to reduce the risk of disease transmission. For example washing hands or wearing gloves. Precauciones:: Prácticas para reducir el riesgo de transmisión de enfermedades. ejemplo lavarse las manos o usar guantes.

Career Definitions Students Learn At Nursing School In Spanish

Nursing students are green about the profession and at first, learn about the titles of the professionals they will work with during training and practice.

Anesthetist: A specialist administering anesthesia before and during surgery. Anestesista: Un especialista que administra anestesia antes y durante la cirugía.

Audiologist: evaluates hearing loss and other related disorders. Audiólogo:evalúa la pérdida de audición y otrostrastornosrelacionados.

Dietician medical officer: A person who offers nutritional education and care to patients. Dirigentemédicodietista: Una persona queofreceeducaciónnutricional y atención a los pacientes.

Occupational therapist: Assesses and treats patients who loser their ability to do important activities. For example standing Terapeuta ocupacional: Evalúa y trata a los pacientes que pierden su capacidad para realizar actividades importantes.ejemplo de pie

Pediatrician: A specialist doctor for children Pediatra: Unmédicoespecialista para niños

Pharmacist: A qualified person to supply and dispense medicine in hospitals and pharmacies Farmacéutico: Una persona calificada para suministrar y dispensarmedicamentos en hospitales y farmacias

Physiotherapist: An expert in assessing and treat patients with a disease or injury that causes mobility problems. Fisioterapeuta: Esunexperto en evaluar y tratar a pacientes con unaenfermedad o lesiónquecausaproblemas de movilidad

It is essential for nursing students to master the correct way to nursing school in school and other terminology they learn therein as it will be their language for their entire career life.

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