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Allergic Contact Dermatitis

All There is to Know About Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Allergic Contact Dermatitis is a skin condition/reaction that occurs as a response to contact with a particular substances. There are two types of contact dermatitis; Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) and Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ICD). It is important to mention the two as they have the same symptomss. You may refer to the condition as a rash but your doctor will call it dermatitis. This is because that is what it is or rather, that is what is its medical term. The symptoms occur as a result of coming into contact with a substance that triggers allergic reactions on your skin or simply when the protective layer of your skin becomes damaged.

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How to Improve Your Conversation Skills

How to Improve Your Conversation Skills

"A conversation is so much more than just words; a conversation is smiles, eyes and the silence in between words." Anika ThorIn life, we can glide through a lot of things but we can never escape conversations. Every single day of or lives offers us opportunities to strike or participate in conversations with; spouse, kids, neighbors, the coffee shop attendant, colleagues, boss or even strangers. In this case, knowing how to engage and keep a conversation going for as long as it is needed is vital.

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5 Ticks Mitsubishi Aircon

Pros & Cons On Choosing 5 Ticks Mitsubishi Aircon

Forget bikes, motorcycles and even the bulky cars. Whatever is pulled from the bounty of technology is absolutely fun and life changing. The newest innovation, hoverboards have taken the world by storm. Both the young and old, male and female are doing whatever they can to whatever they can to own this masterpiece. There are various hoverboards in the market but you will find spectacular performance in these top 6.

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Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Although considered the best mode of treatment for cancer patients, radiotherapy still has some side effects associated with it. This is because as much as radiotherapy is targetted towards destroying the cancerous cells in the body, good cells also get destroyed in the process. The side effect symptoms emerge as a result of the good cells being destroyed during treatment. However, doctors work hard to keep the normal tissue as safe as possible from destruction

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